Cavendish Moovy Makers

Please note the films are currently in the process of being updated and will be available for download shortly. They can still be watched via our YouTube page.

WE'RE BACK!!!!!!

My names harry I Taylor and I'm head of a huge bunch of fantastic film makering producers. Yes, this is the home of fantastic films produced by me and my TEAM. 

We are very happy that Westalk Film are here so we can use thme to show you our films but don't tell them that cos they'll get angry again and steal all my Tom Bakur figures again like they did with my Troughton ones but i'm not bothered about those cos its in black and white anyway. It wasn't my fault we forgot to renew the old site I asked James to do it but he sed he was in Alaska.

Below is your downloadable options for such beeutiful films like Deconstruction 2 with Cyburmans and a brilliant thing based on Blakes 7 which James Camber and Marcus got involved in but I dunno why cos i don't like them. That may be why he mooved to Alaska to fight pigs with My MP.

And our classical film, Terror of Rassilon which is our classical film. In it I played Doctor Who and I'm better at it than James so watch that first then the otehr one. So, enjoy the site and we hope you can sign our gestbook.

Love Harry I Taylor.
Directer of the Cavendish TEAM


MY Doctor Who for the 50th anniversary a few year ago.  We played mayor hommidge to the real doctor Who we saw at the cinema together. It was soo good I no they will be honoured by my honering.

MORE time In The Rani!!

Brand new film from ME! In this one I decided to make a time honourered tribute to the Great Sylvester McCoy story which was his first! Watch this film.

The search for Rassilon

THe mad Rassilon has run away from omega and he is looking to find the Doctor Who. Can he find him first? Rassilon useses the Master to use his balls to find the Doctor. Watch it!


Blakes Cavendish 7!

This is our latest filme that I allowed to be made under the great CAVENDISH TEAM. Blakes Cavendish Seven is about Avon and Villa (ME!) fighting the evil scientist and a man with a glove.

The Terror of Rassilon

This is my best! Terror of Rassilons has me as Doctor Who and is a big treat to see. Download it and see Marcus too playing a great woman! Hysterial!

Deconstruction 2

Some othur group called Westernlake made a film called Deconstruction so I made our own! Deconstruction 2 is a fantastic replacement and is great to see us all working again but Marcus didnt wanna so he didn't do much.



Here is a review of a year I made a few years ago!
I'm going into politics soon. VOTE for me!